Where does the time go? It seems like one moment you stoop down to tie your shoe, and when you straighten up, 2 years have passed you by.
One of the last times I wrote, I talked about all the craziness in my life. Well, that craziness is till going on!
School is great. I LOVE my kids. Yes, they are trying my patience, and no, I don't let things slide- I'm a bit like their drill sergeant that the love to hate. Haha but really, I am SO incredibly happy there at MCS and am so thrilled that God put me there! My colleagues are amazing and I love them so so so much.
Now, about my ankle. Sigh. Surgery number 3 was a six hour ordeal on October 2nd and I now have an external fixator/halo thing-ma-bob on my foot/leg/ankle that consists of 18 pins holding me together. Not fun. However, the pain is a crap ton less than before- so that is AWESOME. Bad thing is that I will be having another surgery around Thanksgiving, and then another one to remove this fixator in February. Happy birthday to me. Hopefully once he fuses my ankle and does the bone graft from my hip, I will be close to back to normal. I'm trusting God to take care of me.
My very good friend, Zack Richards, passed away last month after a 15 month battle with leukemia. He had the most amazing testimony, and even as I write this, tears come to my eyes from missing him. I'll not be able to sing with him again this side of Heaven, but I know I'll see him again and sing with perfect voices up there. I miss him daily, and my heart goes out to his parents; who I also call mom and dad, and his brother is counted as my brother. I sang with 3 others at his funeral the song we used to sing together: I have Been Blessed. Zack reached so many people in his 18 years of life. There were over 700 people at his funeral, and possibly 25+ saved. Glory to God! I haven't come to delete his texts from my phone, and they say time heals all pain, but as much as I miss him, I know he is now pain and cancer free, and singing praises to his savior; what more could I ask for as his friend and sister?
Leaving it a bit short tonight. Sleep is still an elusive friend to me, but counting sheep and praying to the shepherd has become my consolation.
Always, Annie
green grass

Monday, October 21, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Waking me up out of a nightmare
It starts with the stiffness
And becomes a dull ache
Then turns into full blown, can't-even-move, mind numbing pain.
All I want is sleep.
Pure, unadulterated, undisturbed bliss.
But it never comes anymore.
Especially since the day that changed my life & hospital mishaps
Then the tears come.
Even though I always try to hold them in
But I can't all of the time
Not when pain is this intense.
I can't move
All I can feel is the throbbing
All I can see is the softball size swelling
Pushing against my compression sock.
My walker is the only thing that can help me
Hopping on my good foot
Is the only way I force myself out of bed
In hopes of medication taking the pain away.
It doesn't fully.
Actually it makes everything worse.
Headaches. Night terrors. Panic attacks.
But it dulls the pain to something more tolerable.
I get angry
At the fact I will face the rest of my life
With bad days like this.
Even though I am angry, I've forgiven him.
For what he has done to me
Should haunt him and make him think
About stop signs and me.
But it all doesn't matter because I've forgiven him.
And my God is big enough for me.
It starts with the stiffness
And becomes a dull ache
Then turns into full blown, can't-even-move, mind numbing pain.
All I want is sleep.
Pure, unadulterated, undisturbed bliss.
But it never comes anymore.
Especially since the day that changed my life & hospital mishaps
Then the tears come.
Even though I always try to hold them in
But I can't all of the time
Not when pain is this intense.
I can't move
All I can feel is the throbbing
All I can see is the softball size swelling
Pushing against my compression sock.
My walker is the only thing that can help me
Hopping on my good foot
Is the only way I force myself out of bed
In hopes of medication taking the pain away.
It doesn't fully.
Actually it makes everything worse.
Headaches. Night terrors. Panic attacks.
But it dulls the pain to something more tolerable.
I get angry
At the fact I will face the rest of my life
With bad days like this.
Even though I am angry, I've forgiven him.
For what he has done to me
Should haunt him and make him think
About stop signs and me.
But it all doesn't matter because I've forgiven him.
And my God is big enough for me.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
A plethora of good things
My life has gotten crazy once again; or rather, it's continued it's craziness! There are so many good things happening right now that I can barely contain myself sometimes.
1) I am now officially employed
I will be the new freshman & sophomore English teacher at Middletown Christian School in Middletown Ohio. Seriously, I am SO STOKED!!! Eeeeeeeee!! But yes, anxiousness has settled in and I have almost no idea what I'll be teaching exactly. Cool. We all know how me and The Unknown are best buds (sarcasm if you can't tell). Granted, the salary is minimal, but it is experience and in a SPECTACULAR place. No joke, I absolutely love it there already: the people are great, it's a God-oriented place, a small school and NO POLITICS. If you know me well enough, you know that I absolutely loath school politics. I'm always ready to knock someone out when it comes to that horse rubbish. I am so short tempered when it comes to shallow jerk faces & school politics. (And journalists. But that's another issue & story lol)
2) I am officially moving out of my parents' house (soonish)!
To make a semi long story short, I'll be renting from my parents in a house that's around the corner from where we live now. Also, my Georgia cousin is moving in with me and I am SO STOKED!!!! We are fixing it up over the course of the next 9-12 months (it has been a rental in my family for the past, uh, 28 years and it has been totally trashed) and that way I can also save up money since number 1 is real! The fact that my cousin is moving in with me is also reason for me to almost go insane with delight. Cecily is the only ( and I mean only person outside of a husband) that I can see myself living with and not actually commit murder. And since there is no man on the horizon for me (or her as she tells me), we might as well have be amazing together and have a house of awesome. Legit. House of Awesome should be our address- cause that is what it will be.
3) my ankle is still on the mend
Yes, I still have A LOT of pain, and some days it's all I can do to keep from sobbing all day, but I am walking now without a cane or walker (unless pain is too terrible and I need something to lean on). I've taken a lot of thought to how this will affect me for the rest of my life, and even though those are depressing thoughts, I'm ready to tackle the future. But maybe not literally. There will be no push-ups for me anymore since my wrist cannot bend 100% normally, and I won't be able to go for a run on the beach this summer on vacation, but as always, God is good no matter what.
My life is finally coming together and I am so excited and thankful. Although, I was thankful to God before all of this, it just seems like things are looking up for me. All I need now is my Mister Right. hahahaha. And he appears to be non existent. I'll just be known as the girl who can't even get a date and the ways things look now, I probably never will. But ya never know, maybe there's a man out there who can deal with all of me, treat me like the only woman around and actually wants to be my other half... And who can charm my dad haha good luck boys ;)
Anyway.. Writing like a 16 year old is weird for me... I never write about guys & dates much, so I apologize. Have a splendid night/day/life.
Time for more Annie facts:
-being interviewed by a family friend who's known you forever... Is weird. Just weird.
-Christian school kids are the same as public school kids...only sneakier.
-I am totally over this broken bone thing. Therapy hurts like a (insert über painful analogy here) and I'm ready to be better.
-igot to drive for the first time in 5 months yesterday: incredibly satisfying yet ridiculously nerve wracking. All my anxiousness and panic isn't completely gone yet.
- in the past few weeks, I've gotten identified as a high school kid. Not cool, society. I'm 24 and I'm pretty sure I look like it.
-I got to see my Fairborn juniors graduate last week. I felt like a mom to 120 kids. Seriously, I was so proud and still am. They may think I was ridiculous, mean, scatterbrained, whatever, and maybe crazy for being so proud, but I really am. I'm excited for them to start the journey into adult land. I just wish they truly knew how much I care for them in a big sister way- and I wish I could be there for all of the, when they need the big sister moments. Okay- emotional blubbery over.
G'night y'all!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Day 118
It's 118 days post wreck. Where have the days went? It's also a little sad that I establish things in reference to my wreck.
Am I over it? Not yet.
Do I still have pain? Definitely.
But I am getting there.
This past week, the ladies went on a retreat to gatlinburg. It was such a blast. I haven't laughed that much in almost 2 years. It was amazing. I hurt quite a bit from it all, but it was SOO worth it to go. I was in charge of devotions for the week, and they went spectacularly. Seriously, God used me to present some great stuff and bring our ladies closer. I am so so so glad I went.
Getting back yesterday, I'm getting back into the swing of things. I'm still stressed about life and a job. Very stressed about a job. I really need prayers. I am so stressed and wanting a job so much. I honestly feel worthless being unemployed, and unable to do much. Top that off with being the most single person around. It all adds up to being stressed. I know I complain about my job status and me being a, as I call it "no mister sister", but those are two things I worry about.
And being day 118, of course I worry about my life with all this hardware in me, and being in pain for the rest of my life and these hideous scars on my leg. I'm trying to give things to God, but I'm having problems letting go.
Until next time,
Stressed Annie
Am I over it? Not yet.
Do I still have pain? Definitely.
But I am getting there.
This past week, the ladies went on a retreat to gatlinburg. It was such a blast. I haven't laughed that much in almost 2 years. It was amazing. I hurt quite a bit from it all, but it was SOO worth it to go. I was in charge of devotions for the week, and they went spectacularly. Seriously, God used me to present some great stuff and bring our ladies closer. I am so so so glad I went.
Getting back yesterday, I'm getting back into the swing of things. I'm still stressed about life and a job. Very stressed about a job. I really need prayers. I am so stressed and wanting a job so much. I honestly feel worthless being unemployed, and unable to do much. Top that off with being the most single person around. It all adds up to being stressed. I know I complain about my job status and me being a, as I call it "no mister sister", but those are two things I worry about.
And being day 118, of course I worry about my life with all this hardware in me, and being in pain for the rest of my life and these hideous scars on my leg. I'm trying to give things to God, but I'm having problems letting go.
Until next time,
Stressed Annie
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Cancer just sucks
I have this friend.. Actually, he's more like a little brother to me. I've known him since the beginning of our lives, our dads work together and are best friends; having been so since teenagers, and our moms are great friends too. I've always been in church with the family, and Zack is the best picture of a godly young man I know. He's a senior, 17, leads the singing at church, and has leukemia. Bad leukemia.
Tonight this kid is laying in a Cincinnati hospital bed, burning up with a dangerously high fever, vomiting, and scared. He's been sick for almost a year now, and has never complained once. He's been to church as much as he can, and loves God beyond everything. Zack needs every prayer he can.
I am absolutely heartbroken for him and his family. His situation is very bad, and I truly love this guy with every "big sister" role I've never been able to genetically be. Please pray for him, send positive thoughts up if you do not pray; but I am a strong and firm believer that prayer does work, and God is so real in our lives. We are praying for his complete healing and full recovery, but mostly, we are praying for God's will. I am scared, nervous and emotional for him, his parents, and brother. Please, please pray.
Cancer just sucks, but God is ALWAYS good, merciful, and right.
Tonight this kid is laying in a Cincinnati hospital bed, burning up with a dangerously high fever, vomiting, and scared. He's been sick for almost a year now, and has never complained once. He's been to church as much as he can, and loves God beyond everything. Zack needs every prayer he can.
I am absolutely heartbroken for him and his family. His situation is very bad, and I truly love this guy with every "big sister" role I've never been able to genetically be. Please pray for him, send positive thoughts up if you do not pray; but I am a strong and firm believer that prayer does work, and God is so real in our lives. We are praying for his complete healing and full recovery, but mostly, we are praying for God's will. I am scared, nervous and emotional for him, his parents, and brother. Please, please pray.
Cancer just sucks, but God is ALWAYS good, merciful, and right.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Midnight ramblings
I am really trying to get back into my blogging. It seems so hard for me to do anymore- which is strange since I now "have" more time than ever. Oh well, but really, I am trying to get back into writing more often.
Since last time, I am now partial weight bearing!! Thank r Lord for that!! Although it hurts to walk, I am glad that I can. It has been a LONG 3 months, and I am looking forward to walking like a normal person again. Although my ortho said 50% of my weight, I'm cheating a bit and trying to push myself. Bad, perhaps, but I want so badly to be back to normal. I am still visiting the wound clinic once a week, but the wounds are healing up and looking SOOOO much better!! God is good, isn't He?!
In other news, I am still aggressively pursuing a job. I know now why God did not give me one last year, but I am praying that his will gives me one this year. Although I know it is wrong, I am sure I will be very upset and depressed if I cannot find one. It really bothers me that there doesn't seem to be a place for me- what is so wrong with me? I feel so strongly that teaching is the right place for me- I cannot explain how strong my desire is to teach. I am still hoarding teacher things and pinning teacher pins on Pinterest like a mad woman. Please pray for me. Pray for Gods guidance. I applied to what is my dream job two weeks ago and have not heard back from them. Although it is an hours drive from here, it is truly my dream job, and not a day goes by that I don't think on it.
There is so much on my mind these days ( yes, more than the usual). I know I needs Gods guidance and wisdom. There are heavy things on my heart and in my mind that I cannot shake. Part of the reason why I am up so late has to do with these things, and the other part is due to my medication and really, fear of sleeping because of nightmares and pain. This wreck has truly messed me up, and I cannot sleep at night unless the whole thing is replaying over and over again in my trapped mind. Even now, as I think about it, tears come to my eyes; no, I am not weak, I have been strong (yes, I will say it because it is not out of arrogance). I am afraid that I will never regain what I have lost. It is times like these where I wish I had someone to lie next to. But, God has not allowed that to happen either; yet He will in His timing.
I think sometimes that I do not blog on anything in particular, but just regurgitate my thoughts and feelings into one pile. I am sorry for that to anyone who may read. So, on that note, I will sign off with some Andrea-Facts and leave my other thoughts for mother time with a more direct line of thought.
- the tv show "bones" is a good show. A bit too sexual for me, but mom and I have started the seasons together.
- I miss feeling the grass beneath my feet... I cannot wait to walk on the grass in my bare feet, even though I won't be able to feel it on 4 of 10 toes.
- our new church sign looks stellar!!! Seriously, it's awesome. I'm glad I could take part in the designing process. Although its a little complicated to operate, I'm a fast learner ;)
- why is everyone surprised that I spray painted my walker myself?? Yes, the camo looks realistic: I've told y'all, I'm an underground graffiti artist haha (and just a country girl trapped in the city at the present).
- broken bones hurt like crazy. Also, I'm not sure how I kept it together during this while thing. I guess it can be attributed to shock. I was way too calm...and cold. I was freezing on a warming January day in my short sleeves.
- I really want to get out and go shooting again soon. My shooting arm needs strengthened! My 357 & AR need warmed up again!!! But then again, ammo is too expensive to waste.
- on that note, did you know that several govt agencies are buying and hoarding ammo?? Very fishy, mr. Government, very fishy. And everyone should be very concerned.
- I want to teach with every fiber of my being. I've never felt anything this strong, and I cannot wait to walk into my classroom and finally be the real "Miss Myers"
God is good always,
Since last time, I am now partial weight bearing!! Thank r Lord for that!! Although it hurts to walk, I am glad that I can. It has been a LONG 3 months, and I am looking forward to walking like a normal person again. Although my ortho said 50% of my weight, I'm cheating a bit and trying to push myself. Bad, perhaps, but I want so badly to be back to normal. I am still visiting the wound clinic once a week, but the wounds are healing up and looking SOOOO much better!! God is good, isn't He?!
In other news, I am still aggressively pursuing a job. I know now why God did not give me one last year, but I am praying that his will gives me one this year. Although I know it is wrong, I am sure I will be very upset and depressed if I cannot find one. It really bothers me that there doesn't seem to be a place for me- what is so wrong with me? I feel so strongly that teaching is the right place for me- I cannot explain how strong my desire is to teach. I am still hoarding teacher things and pinning teacher pins on Pinterest like a mad woman. Please pray for me. Pray for Gods guidance. I applied to what is my dream job two weeks ago and have not heard back from them. Although it is an hours drive from here, it is truly my dream job, and not a day goes by that I don't think on it.
There is so much on my mind these days ( yes, more than the usual). I know I needs Gods guidance and wisdom. There are heavy things on my heart and in my mind that I cannot shake. Part of the reason why I am up so late has to do with these things, and the other part is due to my medication and really, fear of sleeping because of nightmares and pain. This wreck has truly messed me up, and I cannot sleep at night unless the whole thing is replaying over and over again in my trapped mind. Even now, as I think about it, tears come to my eyes; no, I am not weak, I have been strong (yes, I will say it because it is not out of arrogance). I am afraid that I will never regain what I have lost. It is times like these where I wish I had someone to lie next to. But, God has not allowed that to happen either; yet He will in His timing.
I think sometimes that I do not blog on anything in particular, but just regurgitate my thoughts and feelings into one pile. I am sorry for that to anyone who may read. So, on that note, I will sign off with some Andrea-Facts and leave my other thoughts for mother time with a more direct line of thought.
- the tv show "bones" is a good show. A bit too sexual for me, but mom and I have started the seasons together.
- I miss feeling the grass beneath my feet... I cannot wait to walk on the grass in my bare feet, even though I won't be able to feel it on 4 of 10 toes.
- our new church sign looks stellar!!! Seriously, it's awesome. I'm glad I could take part in the designing process. Although its a little complicated to operate, I'm a fast learner ;)
- why is everyone surprised that I spray painted my walker myself?? Yes, the camo looks realistic: I've told y'all, I'm an underground graffiti artist haha (and just a country girl trapped in the city at the present).
- broken bones hurt like crazy. Also, I'm not sure how I kept it together during this while thing. I guess it can be attributed to shock. I was way too calm...and cold. I was freezing on a warming January day in my short sleeves.
- I really want to get out and go shooting again soon. My shooting arm needs strengthened! My 357 & AR need warmed up again!!! But then again, ammo is too expensive to waste.
- on that note, did you know that several govt agencies are buying and hoarding ammo?? Very fishy, mr. Government, very fishy. And everyone should be very concerned.
- I want to teach with every fiber of my being. I've never felt anything this strong, and I cannot wait to walk into my classroom and finally be the real "Miss Myers"
God is good always,
Monday, March 25, 2013
It's been a while
Hello to anyone :) it's been quite a while since I've stopped in here, and I had been thinking about posting, so I figured I should get back into the habit of blogging- even if its solely for my own benefit.
So as I lay here typing on my iPad, it's snowing like crazy here in Ohio- hellooooo spring!! As much as I love snow (seriously, I LOVE snow!!) I'm ready for warmer weather, for multiple reasons I'll explain in a bit. So here's for a long post...
Since I last signed off, I've graduated from wright state with my Masters in education and boy, am I glad I got through. That was an intense year, buti loved every bit of it!!! I miss my kids from my internship SO much!! The year really solidified my desire and calling to be a teacher. Granted, there were some rough patches, but overall, it was a tremendous experience. Unfortunately, since the job market is still not good here in Ohio, I was unable to get a teaching job for this school year. But in the light of recent events, I know why.
To keep myself even busier than the usual, i enrolled at Sinclair for their sign language interpreting program in august. its a beautiful language and I want to learn it, so I began there and had a blast. But, September rolled around and put a damper on my happiness- I was involved in a serious car accident on the highway. It was a hit and run where someone side swiped me into a semi, which in turn ran me off the road and into a construction sign. I ended up facing north on a southbound exit ramp. God was with me for sure; if I had had a smaller car, I would have been pushed under the semi and probably lost my life. It was terrifying. I literally thought I was going to die; but, God had a plan and I walked away uninjured. Nightmares (worse than my usual) resulted from it, but overall I was very blessed.
December rolled around and the holidays came. I was previously put in charge of the Christmas program at church, so in addition to teaching children's church each week already, I got them involved as well. In the end, I wrote, organized, directed and played a part in the play! The kids did great, my cast did great, and the production was amazing! I was so proud of our little cast and of my little church. It was such a hit!!
After the hubbub of the holidays passed and the new year rolled in, I continued my busy life. January 11 was no different. Since I had no substitute teaching job that day, I went out to run some errands for church and planned on going home to take some food to a funeral and prepare for another funeral the next day. I was in charge of setting up a projector for photos, and I would also be singing with two others. But, once again, God had other plans. Almost home, a man in a work van pulled out in front of me after running a stop sign. My car (remember, it's only 4 months old to me), went from 40 to 0 in about a half second. Another absolutely terrifying incident. The way that the van pulled into me, I basically hit him head on. My engine had been pushed forward approximately 4 feet and had even popped the air filter out of place like a toaster! The steering wheel was bent, but worse of all, my ankle was bent 60 degrees inward, a bone was sticking out of my leg, and my wrist was broken. So after a tumultuous ambulance ride, I ended up in the hospital for 7ish days. Days 1 & 2 were pure hell for me. my IV had not been done right, so I was without ANY pain meds the first 24 hours after surgery. after getting that fixed, I found I was allergic to any muscle relaxers they gave me. Hallucinations and awful panic-ridden nightmares would ensue, as well as a constant panic attack.
Surgery 1 had put a plate and screws in my ankle as well as a plate and screws in my wrist. Both bones were broken in both ankle and wrist. I had to wear an external fixator on my ankle with several pins into my leg. 15 staples showed the incision in my arm. I had a second surgery 11 days later that put more screws in my ankle for a total of 23 screws and 3 plates in my ankle.
Needless to say, things have been crazy. I spent a few weeks at my grandparents because I could not walk at all, and my house has steps to get in. I finally got to go home after my dad put in a ramp to the house. I am still non weight bearing on my ankle until late April. I am also going to a wound clinic because the place where the bone came through my leg was not healing well, and the incision area from surgery 2 was also not healing well. But now I am doing better, but I will say that Percocet and tramadol are my friends! ;)
God is still good no matter what!!! I am alive and mostly well, and I am surrounded by the best people!! I am so blessed to be here still, so I guess God isn't through with me yet! I am just ready for winter to be over with so I don't hurt as much! The cold hurts my bones and irritates the metal in me! So geez, weather, fix yourself!
That is the semi short version of catch up of my life...for now ;)
Now to try to sleep. That is one thing I don't do much of because of the meds I am on, plus the nightmares and pain keep me up as well. Blah. Insomnia sucks.
Anyhoo.. Y'all stay safe out there in this crazy snow weather!
So as I lay here typing on my iPad, it's snowing like crazy here in Ohio- hellooooo spring!! As much as I love snow (seriously, I LOVE snow!!) I'm ready for warmer weather, for multiple reasons I'll explain in a bit. So here's for a long post...
Since I last signed off, I've graduated from wright state with my Masters in education and boy, am I glad I got through. That was an intense year, buti loved every bit of it!!! I miss my kids from my internship SO much!! The year really solidified my desire and calling to be a teacher. Granted, there were some rough patches, but overall, it was a tremendous experience. Unfortunately, since the job market is still not good here in Ohio, I was unable to get a teaching job for this school year. But in the light of recent events, I know why.
To keep myself even busier than the usual, i enrolled at Sinclair for their sign language interpreting program in august. its a beautiful language and I want to learn it, so I began there and had a blast. But, September rolled around and put a damper on my happiness- I was involved in a serious car accident on the highway. It was a hit and run where someone side swiped me into a semi, which in turn ran me off the road and into a construction sign. I ended up facing north on a southbound exit ramp. God was with me for sure; if I had had a smaller car, I would have been pushed under the semi and probably lost my life. It was terrifying. I literally thought I was going to die; but, God had a plan and I walked away uninjured. Nightmares (worse than my usual) resulted from it, but overall I was very blessed.
December rolled around and the holidays came. I was previously put in charge of the Christmas program at church, so in addition to teaching children's church each week already, I got them involved as well. In the end, I wrote, organized, directed and played a part in the play! The kids did great, my cast did great, and the production was amazing! I was so proud of our little cast and of my little church. It was such a hit!!
After the hubbub of the holidays passed and the new year rolled in, I continued my busy life. January 11 was no different. Since I had no substitute teaching job that day, I went out to run some errands for church and planned on going home to take some food to a funeral and prepare for another funeral the next day. I was in charge of setting up a projector for photos, and I would also be singing with two others. But, once again, God had other plans. Almost home, a man in a work van pulled out in front of me after running a stop sign. My car (remember, it's only 4 months old to me), went from 40 to 0 in about a half second. Another absolutely terrifying incident. The way that the van pulled into me, I basically hit him head on. My engine had been pushed forward approximately 4 feet and had even popped the air filter out of place like a toaster! The steering wheel was bent, but worse of all, my ankle was bent 60 degrees inward, a bone was sticking out of my leg, and my wrist was broken. So after a tumultuous ambulance ride, I ended up in the hospital for 7ish days. Days 1 & 2 were pure hell for me. my IV had not been done right, so I was without ANY pain meds the first 24 hours after surgery. after getting that fixed, I found I was allergic to any muscle relaxers they gave me. Hallucinations and awful panic-ridden nightmares would ensue, as well as a constant panic attack.
Surgery 1 had put a plate and screws in my ankle as well as a plate and screws in my wrist. Both bones were broken in both ankle and wrist. I had to wear an external fixator on my ankle with several pins into my leg. 15 staples showed the incision in my arm. I had a second surgery 11 days later that put more screws in my ankle for a total of 23 screws and 3 plates in my ankle.
Needless to say, things have been crazy. I spent a few weeks at my grandparents because I could not walk at all, and my house has steps to get in. I finally got to go home after my dad put in a ramp to the house. I am still non weight bearing on my ankle until late April. I am also going to a wound clinic because the place where the bone came through my leg was not healing well, and the incision area from surgery 2 was also not healing well. But now I am doing better, but I will say that Percocet and tramadol are my friends! ;)
God is still good no matter what!!! I am alive and mostly well, and I am surrounded by the best people!! I am so blessed to be here still, so I guess God isn't through with me yet! I am just ready for winter to be over with so I don't hurt as much! The cold hurts my bones and irritates the metal in me! So geez, weather, fix yourself!
That is the semi short version of catch up of my life...for now ;)
Now to try to sleep. That is one thing I don't do much of because of the meds I am on, plus the nightmares and pain keep me up as well. Blah. Insomnia sucks.
Anyhoo.. Y'all stay safe out there in this crazy snow weather!
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