green grass

green grass

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A plethora of good things

My life has gotten crazy once again; or rather, it's continued it's craziness! There are so many good things happening right now that I can barely contain myself sometimes.
1) I am now officially employed
     I will be the new freshman & sophomore English teacher at Middletown Christian School in Middletown Ohio. Seriously, I am SO STOKED!!! Eeeeeeeee!! But yes, anxiousness has settled in and I have almost no idea what I'll be teaching exactly. Cool. We all know how me and The Unknown are best buds (sarcasm if you can't tell). Granted, the salary is minimal, but it is experience and in a SPECTACULAR place. No joke, I absolutely love it there already: the people are great, it's a God-oriented place, a small school and NO POLITICS. If you know me well enough, you know that I absolutely loath school politics. I'm always ready to knock someone out when it comes to that horse rubbish. I am so short tempered when it comes to shallow jerk faces & school politics. (And journalists. But that's another issue & story lol)
2) I am officially moving out of my parents' house (soonish)! 
     To make a semi long story short, I'll be renting from my parents in a house that's around the corner from where we live now. Also, my Georgia cousin is moving in with me and I am SO STOKED!!!! We are fixing it up over the course of the next 9-12 months (it has been a rental in my family for the past, uh, 28 years and it has been totally trashed) and that way I can also save up money since number 1 is real! The fact that my cousin is moving in with me is also reason for me to almost go insane with delight. Cecily is the only ( and I mean only person outside of a husband) that I can see myself living with and not actually commit murder. And since there is no man on the horizon for me (or her as she tells me), we might as well have be amazing together and have a house of awesome. Legit. House of Awesome should be our address- cause that is what it will be. 
3) my ankle is still on the mend
     Yes, I still have A LOT of pain, and some days it's all I can do to keep from sobbing all day, but I am walking now without a cane or walker (unless pain is too terrible and I need something to lean on). I've taken a lot of thought to how this will affect me for the rest of my life, and even though those are depressing thoughts, I'm ready to tackle the future. But maybe not literally. There will be no push-ups for me anymore since my wrist cannot bend 100% normally, and I won't be able to go for a run on the beach this summer on vacation, but as always, God is good no matter what. 

My life is finally coming together and I am so excited and thankful. Although, I was thankful to God before all of this, it just seems like things are looking up for me. All I need now is my Mister Right. hahahaha. And he appears to be non existent. I'll just be known as the girl who can't even get a date and the ways things look now, I probably never will. But ya never know, maybe there's a man out there who can deal with all of me, treat me like the only woman around and actually wants to be my other half... And who can charm my dad haha good luck boys ;) 

Anyway.. Writing like a 16 year old is weird for me... I never write about guys & dates much, so I apologize. Have a splendid night/day/life.


Time for more Annie facts:
-being interviewed by a family friend who's known you forever... Is weird. Just weird. 
-Christian school kids are the same as public school kids...only sneakier.
-I am totally over this broken bone thing. Therapy hurts like a (insert über painful analogy here) and I'm ready to be better.
-igot to drive for the first time in 5 months yesterday: incredibly satisfying yet ridiculously nerve wracking. All my anxiousness and panic isn't completely gone yet. 
- in the past few weeks, I've gotten identified as a high school kid. Not cool, society. I'm 24 and I'm pretty sure I look like it. 
-I got to see my Fairborn juniors graduate last week. I felt like a mom to 120 kids. Seriously, I was so proud and still am. They may think I was ridiculous, mean, scatterbrained, whatever, and maybe crazy for being so proud, but I really am. I'm excited for them to start the journey into adult land. I just wish they truly knew how much I care for them in a big sister way- and I wish I could be there for all of the, when they need the big sister moments. Okay- emotional blubbery over. 

G'night y'all! 

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