green grass

green grass

Monday, October 21, 2013

Man, I really stink at this

Where does the time go? It seems like one moment you stoop down to tie your shoe, and when you straighten up, 2 years have passed you by.
One of the last times I wrote, I talked about all the craziness in my life. Well, that craziness is till going on!

School is great. I LOVE my kids. Yes, they are trying my patience, and no, I don't let things slide- I'm a bit like their drill sergeant that the love to hate. Haha but really, I am SO incredibly happy there at MCS and am so thrilled that God put me there! My colleagues are amazing and I love them so so so much.

Now, about my ankle. Sigh. Surgery number 3 was a six hour ordeal on October 2nd and I now have an external fixator/halo thing-ma-bob  on my foot/leg/ankle that consists of 18 pins holding me together. Not fun. However, the pain is a crap ton less than before- so that is AWESOME. Bad thing is that I will be having another surgery around Thanksgiving, and then another one to remove this fixator in February. Happy birthday to me. Hopefully once he fuses my ankle and does the bone graft from my hip, I will be close to back to normal. I'm trusting God to take care of me.

My very good friend, Zack Richards, passed away last month after a 15 month battle with leukemia. He had the most amazing testimony, and even as I write this, tears come to my eyes from missing him. I'll not be able to sing with him again this side of Heaven, but I know I'll see him again and sing with perfect voices up there. I miss him daily, and my heart goes out to his parents; who I also call mom and dad, and his brother is counted as my brother.  I sang with 3 others at his funeral the song we used to sing together: I have Been Blessed. Zack reached so many people in his 18 years of life. There were over 700 people at his funeral, and possibly 25+ saved. Glory to God!  I haven't come to delete his texts from my phone, and they say time heals all pain, but as much as I miss him, I know he is now pain and cancer free, and singing praises to his savior; what more could I ask for as his friend and sister?

Leaving it a bit short tonight. Sleep is still an elusive friend to me, but counting sheep and praying to the shepherd has become my consolation.

Always, Annie

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