green grass

green grass

Monday, March 1, 2010


so its been a while since I've popped in here. its just been so hectic of late! :)

like the photo, minor adjustments make a big impact on a piano and how it sounds, just a little too much of one turn can dramatically change how it sounds. Life is like this too, the slightest adjustment of something going on can dramatically change how things fall into place. God helps us to make those adjustments in our lives, no matter how 'small' they may seem, but I wouldn't want anyone else in charge of the tuning tools of my life. I am looking forward to what adjustments He may have in store for me, even though they may seem hard ones to make, I know my God always knows what is best for me and my life...

I cant believe its already March! that's so crazy! I only have three full weeks left of school before spring break. ahh! that means crunch time..(or really, "catch up on procrastination" time) but I can honestly say I didn't do much procrastinating this quarter. yay me! ;) I only have to write an 8 pages paper, do a 5 minute ASL presentation and take three exams. which definitely isn't a whole lot, though it may seem it. And this quarter I've only had to write maybe 25 pages worth of papers and do around 600 pages worth of reading, where last quarter it was 150 pages worth of papers and 3000 pages worth of reading (granted, i estimated up for the reading lol)

I got the email I've been waiting on today for permissions to take the beginning series of my 'teacher' classes. I was so excited! ha, i think I almost "woohoo-ed and yay-ed" at the beginning of bio class when i got it! haha I really thought I had been denied permission, and couldnt figure out why, but thankfully it came through. I can honestly say I am excited about these classes and prepping for my future classroom. I am mentally done with college, and only have 22 more classes left; and am probably taking a few summer classes. I am praying steadily for the classes I need, to be offered during the right quarters during summer and that I will be able to handle what I want/need to take. My mom is not happy about summer classes, but it is something that I must do in order to graduate on time, and I'm hoping she will better understand as time goes on. I think it may be difficult for her, as well as my dad, to understand all this college "stuff" because they did not go to college, and its also hard to see their only child growing up, and ready to grow up.

Our Missions Conference at church is March 24th-28th. I'm excited for it to come. Our missionary speaker will be Jim White, missionary to Togo, West Africa. Theres a few things in this area that I don't really want to extrapolate (what a big word, right? haha) on just yet, but in the coming weeks, I'm praying that God will have His way in things...
Also that week there are four of us planning on singing..O how I love singing! :) The plan as of now is to sing "I'm a Solder" by the Rochester's (who, if you don't know them, are an ahhhh-mazing bluegrass gospel group). Its a song set to the verses of "Come Thou Fount" and I'll be playing it on the piano. Its a song I've just recently heard and have come to absolutely LOVE. I catch myself singing it all day long, and am greatly looking forward to singing it with the others.

well, now that I've semi-caught up with most things, its time for dinner prep I believe. I've been trying to improve at my cooking skills, and dinner preparations. Most think since my mama is such an amazing lady in the kitchen, I should be too, but oh how wrong they are! ;) but I'm slowly getting better, and willing to learn! 'cause hey, one day I'll be the wife and mama, and I need all the help and preparing I can get! :)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I had missed you!
    Second of all your comparison with life adjustments and music was amazing. It is so very true and I am continually thankful that God does that and not me!
    Thirdly, I want to say congrats for your permission. I understand about the parents, mine didn't go to college either. I think you are right, it is just an unknowingness (that's a big made up word!) and fear of letting you grow up. I also think sometimes they just see how much stress it is and they want to fix that for you, hence no summer courses. Hang in there you are close!

    Good luck with the singing at the mission conference, sounds really cool!
