green grass

green grass

Monday, February 15, 2010

...Lost in the lyrics..

so I've been neglecting flikr and Blogger this week. Too much stuff going on i suppose! where to catch up...
with the past multiple uploads to Flikr, I've been on some Music kick. I have no clue why. Its been carrying over into life too, I've been lost in the lyrics and flow, My music is going nonstop, Ive got bluegrass (or some country too) playing somewhere around me most of the day. I havent been able to get myself away from the piano. I'm not sure why either. And everything I've been playing has been the slow classical things, or slowed down hymns. Why? I've no clue. Even my bluegrass playlist has been filled with the more slow, usually sadder songs. I think this over abundance of snow is getting to me. Now I know, it seems like everything I've had to say here is always sad and depressing, ha. I'm not like this at allll through the day...i promise! :) I guess this is the only place that truly listens to my inner being.

onto bigger things....lets chat 'bout school! woo! ...not. snowdays are always good! haha last week, I skipped my Philosophy class due to the weather, (thank you WSU for NOT closing until after my classes took place) sometimes I Think I would be SO much better at running a campus... ;) Then Wednesday, campus ended up closing, Praise the Lord. :) Today produced a closure at 2pm...which only canceled one of my three classes today, and I journeyed my way home, only to do a 180 coming off the highway at 725 in Miamisburg. oh what fun that was. If i hadnt had control of my car, i would have probably kept turning and hit a few cars, (and this was only going less than 10 mph) thanks to my dads driving lessons in the snow, I am quite proud of myself for keeping things under control and not freaking out, although I had to take a few deep breaths after getting straightened out. ;)
Tomorrow morning I register for spring classes. What a stress reliever that will be after 7am! Class scheduling is one of the many things that keep me awake at night, and stressed out during this time of year! i only have 22 more classes until i can graduate, and I worry so much about messing things up.
what else, what else...oh, saturday evening, we finally got to celebrate mine and my dads birthday with the whole family! my cousins got me two beta fish (haha) two males, red and blue. Their names are: Everett Cash, and Delmar Jennings. (if you caught on, theyre from "O Brother Where Art Thou" and the last names of two of my favorite country singers hehe)
though probably my favorite gift I knew about, I just didnt know WHEN i was getting it...a 357 magnum revolver. yes, a gun. My dad promised when I turned 21 he would buy me a handgun. yay! A revolver is a good starter for any person, and I cant wait for it to warm up so we can go to the range, or out to the farm and shoot. I've become pretty good with my .22 rifle, and now I plan on sharpening my skills with my 357. who said guns were for boys? ;)

well, I reckon this is where I should stop, and continue my studying...and prayers of a closing tomorrow...right, like that will happen :)

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about music, sometimes I get stuck on it, and usually it is sad for me too! I think it is this weather!

    I wish you could get some more snow days!!!

    Sounds like a great birthday! :)
