green grass

green grass

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh the snow..

what a lovely day! snow everywhere and the sun decided to make its appearance this evening. I just love how after the snow, the sun always peeks out. It makes everything so pretty!

Today was a slow day, most unlike this past week. Its been a blur of days and classes, and today I could actually take a small breather. Though, philosophy and Biology were calling my name, I tried so very hard to ignore their calls ;)

I wanted to just enjoy the day with my camera and laptop, and mostly got to do that! I was so happy! Besides shoveling our driveway and sidewalks, as well as a neighbors this morning, and cleaning the church, since it was myy week, I got to do just what I wanted. So i decided to have some fun with eggs. Call it strange, call me a dork, I dont care ;) I've always wanted to do it, and after some questioning looks from my mama after raiding the kitchen, and after an oops moment in my room with a cracked egg (everything turned out fine n dandy by the way..), I was satisfied with a few takes. I told my mom that one of these days she'll open the egg carton and find a dozen faces staring back at her... :)

I so wanted to go out and build a snowman today, since this snow is the PERFECT snowman making stuff! But I didnt end up doing it, I got too cold from my morning photos outside, oh well, perhaps one day next week when the stresses of school are set in again, I'll bring out my inner child and build one, and really, it is a yearly tradition for me to build a snowman :)
I had quite the time with the self photos today. Even with not a trace of make-up on, and hair doing its own thing, I was fairly satisfied with them. Timing the shots just right to get the right effect of what I wanted proved to be a little difficult, and once inhaled the snow by accident instead of blowing out...I know, I know, blowing out and sucking in are two totally different things, I dont know how i managed to do it, but I got the photo to prove it..but, decided not to post it to Flikr to show the world my goofiness. ;)


  1. I am glad you had such a great day! I understand the whole sucking the snow up your nose thing...I would totally do something like that!

  2. thanks amber! :) and yes, it was a greattt experience (not)...had to laugh at myself after doing it though :)
