green grass

green grass

Thursday, March 4, 2010

medicine for the soul

I think this photo really just describes this week. crazy! One more day to go, then its the weekend. finally!! just tonight, my dad and I were goofing around, and I got to laughing, and could not stop. It was one of those, breath taking, stomach hurting, tears rolling, laughing spells. Mama could only look at me, laugh, and say that she thinks I'm overly tired. haha But i think we all need some of those moments to remind us of little things, and to just get out the daily grime, because laughing is better than crying! :) and laughter is definitely medicine for the soul...

its been a long week, but short at the same time, how does that happen? I've so much to do, with school wrapping up for this quarter, and I just found out that I'll have about 15 books for next quarter that I'll need. that is a ton of books! Another example of the long week is the episode i had about the lost pen! I don't know how its possible to lose an ink pen in your hair, but i definitely did it the other day. feeling for it on the opposite side, searching the pile of books and papers, physically getting up and looking around, going and getting another pen, sitting back down, 10 minutes later getting an itch and finding the pen then. hahaha I probably looked so silly! definitely glad no one was watching ;)

well, now that I've done a little something here, and played around on flikr, I can go enjoy a piece of checkerboard cake (ohh its my all time favorite!!!) and CSI which comes on in 25 minutes! yay :)

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