green grass

green grass

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reading Workshop Week three: Oh My Gosh..

I don't even know where to start..honestly I don't. I've almost been dreading writing here about this week's adventure. To put it plainly, It was horrible. Ok well maybe not Horrific, and it wasn't a disaster, but it was bad. walking out of that classroom, I was so discouraged. I have never felt that way with kids before. It was a new feeling and I did NOT like it. If I hadn't had my partner in the car with me for the ride back, I think I would have ended up in tears. This all sounds so horrible, but its how that cookie crumbled..

We found that our group of kids do not work well in groups. So, no more group work for them. They are loud, they are rude, they are mean, they are obnoxious. BUT, they are eighth graders. I got called the infamous "B" word a few times..sigh..(I wanted to tell them they had no idea what me being one of those looked like, and they really shouldn't cross that line, but I held my tongue..) I told them if they were going to act like third graders, I would treat them like third graders. We didn't accomplish what we set out to do, and I was told I should have been an art teacher (..cause I spray painted a foam board in a tie-dye kinda way so that we could post our reading rules).

Most of the girls have an attitude problem, and Donte challenged us by asking if we could sign their folder (a form of racking up detention 'points'). Ami said, "well,, probably not" and of course me, miss I-dont-take-crap says "well I have no problem getting the permission too". I think I'm too forceful sometimes...I felt like the parole officer...

They set their goals too low, and we have a 16 year old eighth grader. The cooperating teacher in the room with us is a Math teacher and doesn't like to read; and doesn't have control over her classroom. She informed us after the room had finally gotten quiet again after group work, that "these kids just need a rigid structure, groups don't work for them" ( NO KIDDING blondie..A little late on the relay of info) sigh..ok ok, so I'm venting. :) sorry! haha I'm not this mean to people, I promise! Usually its only a few little comments within my own head..

So all these bad things happen, and I walk out of the room hitting a new low, what ARE we going to do? well, we have no idea. ha. We'll see how things go from now until next Tuesday. We're getting together soon to make lesson plans, so hopefully things will go a LOT smoother! (please cross your fingers for me..)

Oh, and i forgot to mention the little boy who had to pee very badly. "but I gotta go bad..real bad". The teacher said he could go, but she would have to sign his folder..of course he didn't want this..but while he was turning back around (cause he was turned plum sideways..) ...he honestly took everything in me not to laugh, but I did keep a straight face..I think God helped me through that one.. ;)

So next week...we may be planning my funeral.. ;) What a ride...what an adventure..


  1. You poor thing! 8th graders can be tough! And they probably be worst with you than the would be with what the see as a "real" teacher. Keep your chin up! You CAN do this, God will help you!!!!!

    ON another note, I often have mean dialog within my head too, it is totally normal!

  2. thanks amber! :) I definitely think that things would be different if I was the "real" teacher, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has mean dialogue with myself hahaha :)
