green grass

green grass

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

31 days

31 days. thats all I have left of my undergrad career. ohmylanta. YAY! haha. needless to say, I'm a little ecstatic. I've also come to realize that senioritis extends into the senior college year as well as the high school senior. I've no motivation to do homework, and I'd rather not go to class...but, ya gotta do what you gotta do!

June 11 will be a big day for my family...the first person on either side of the family to complete a 4 year degree. Kinda a big deal. Although I'd rather just let it lay family seems to want to pump it up a bit, but, I guess I'll let them live it vicariously through me.

In all honesty, thinking about the future scares the daylights outta me. Even though I'm insanely excited for my life to move on, it's a very daunting thought. I think it is the unknown of the future that scares me the most, yet gives me the most thrill. My life has meaning, and I know what God wants me to do. Although His timeline is much different, as I've found out, I know what I'm meant to do. And even though some of my family may not think being an English/Language Arts teacher is "hard" or it's "hoity-toity" and having a college degree makes me some sort of "high society" - I'm still proud of me and my accomplishments with God's help. Switching majors and catching up while graduating on time is a feat that can be hard to do. But in the end, I'll always be a simple girl at heart with a field of dreams as big as the sky - no matter what others may think.

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