green grass

green grass

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


so I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more in this quarter of school. A current class is titled Writing Workshop, sooo, those thoughts and writings will probably spill into here. :) so here's my latest 3 structured poems :)

Where I’m From

I am from a creative cook and tip top toolmaker

Who patiently sigh at my near kitchen catastrophes and mechanical mess-ups

And who loved me enough to use wooden spoons on my backside.

I am from an all American, hardworking, blue-collar family,

Who are not ashamed of dirty hands or the Constitution

And will wipe the dirt on a pair of faded Wranglers to shake your hand and run to defend freedom.

I am from preachin’, prayin’ and singin’

Where Amazing Grace abounds, the Bible is my roadmap and harmony fills the air

Where church can take place anywhere.

I am from blue eyes, brown eyes and righties

Who love to laugh and be silly, yet teach right and wrong with no grey areas,

Where God threw in a hazel eyed leftie who happens to be the perfect mix of both parents.

To Tell the Truth

To tell the truth, I hate when someone slurps a soda or chews a Cheeseburger like a cow,

Except when the crunchy chip or luscious lemonade is mine and I feel that I may never masticate marvelous meals any more.

And I hate when someone neglects to clear the several seconds on the microwave,

Unless the frigid discovered delicious dish is mine and excitement overcomes my senses.

To tell the truth I hate the pale pestering professor that lectures endlessly,

Except when attendance obtains extra credit on the exam.

And I hate when constant chattering commences around me during class,

Unless my eavesdropping entertains my mind more so than the monotonous teacher.

To tell the truth I hate sudden summer rain showers that send me running for shelter,

Except when the smell is sumptuous and new puddles can be played in.

And I hate sappy love story movies where the moony girl is star-struck by a sweetheart,

Unless I’m feeling sad about a single-life and boohooing about the boy who broke my heart.

To tell the truth, I hate weeding the giant growing garden in the June, July & August heat,

Except when a dip in the deep pool is promised alongside a plate of corn, okra and other garden greens.

And I hate canning in a small space named the kitchen,

Unless it’s the place where swapped stories, loud laughter and learning to be a future worthy wife abounds.

If Clint Eastwood Were the Principal

(side note, unless you know a lot about Clint Eastwood movies, you probably wont get this poem...theres a movie/quote reference in most every line)

If Clint Eastwood were the principal, things would definitely change.

School would contain two types of people- mostly the digging kind,

The building would be an obstacle course- are ya feelin’ lucky, punk?

All the ID tags would proclaim “Go ahead, make my day”.

If Clint Eastwood were the principal,

Teachers would be men with no name,

Teachers would have a classroom pet orangutan named Clyde

And teach how to earn a Fistful of Dollars.

If Clint Eastwood were the principal,

Students would run Every Which Way but Loose,

Students would learn how to be an outlaw, and

Students would be the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

If Clint Eastwood were the principal,

The staff would be Black Widows,

The janitor would be the Enforcer with a .44,

And the lunch ladies would serve prison food from Alcatraz.

If Clint Eastwood were the principal,

Everyday would be straight from a spaghetti western and you’ll probably get stuck with every dirty job that comes along.

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