green grass

green grass

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


a poem i had to write for a class at school..and was told i "had" to post it. soo here it is! doesnt follow the traditional 'poetry' format, aaand I'm not completely happy with it, but it works :) dont be too harsh :)

and yes..some of these are true stories.. haha


A friend will not question the shovel and mysteriously male-shaped bag lying in the shadows of your trunk when you show up at 3 a.m.

A friend will brush off the God-only-knows-what-that-is on the backside of your jeans and proceed to wipe it on your sleeve.

A friend will show up at a corn maze to save you from a bad date even if the indecisive weirdo changes plans last minute and doesn’t actually end up at the corn maze.

A friend will have a silent conversation with you while standing on the opposite side of the room.

A friend will call you names but bring out the ghetto attitude if someone else calls you those same names.

A friend will turn tears of sorrow into tears of laughter - even if it takes all night.

A friend will not be able to stay angry at you for long because something “super important has happened that can possibly change the face of humanity” if left untold.

A friend will know your quirks and innumerable blonde moments and will most likely hold those things against you in the name of friendship.

A friend will know how to heal the pain no medicine can fix, doesn’t need fancy equipment to diagnose the problem, and only consults doctors such as Ben, Jerry and Disney to perform operations.

A friend will conspire with your family to 'decorate' your truck at 2a.m. on your birthday even when your birthday is in December and the toilet paper ends up frozen.

A friend will hear the silent teardrops and catch them before they fall even if it means leaving with a soaked T-shirt.

A friend will barge into your house and eats the last chocolate chip cookie found on the planet, even when it means hearing the bell of a WWF match.

A friend will know you better than you know yourself, gently remind you of who you are when you forget, and shout silent encouragement of the potential person you may become.

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