But since starting college, the whole creative side of me has been put to the side. The studious, paper based, exam taking Andrea has had to come out. And if you know me, I hate paper based things; I have to have visuals to learn.
Earlier this week I got this book at the library..and I LOVE it. Its all about how to bring out the creative side of yourself. (Granted, it kinda sorta almost maybe promotes graffiti..butttttt, its really good. haha.)
Like Guerrilla Warfare, Guerrilla Art is the "boom, in your face, affect the world" kind of art. Now, I don't plan on going out and doing "illegal" things (like I've EVER done anything like that..psh, no!). But I have made it my new mission to have my creativity come out from suppression. (I sound so Revolutionary! but that IS the whole point..) In my future classroom, I don't want to be the plain, boring, worksheets type of teacher. I want my students to be able to open their minds and think outside the box; for the people who think outside the box are the ones who go the farthest in life, and are the most motivated ones.
My challenge to you? Be a guerilla artist in whatever place you work in, play in, live in. Think outside the box for things. Notice the small things in life and tell someone else about them. Leave a note for a random person telling them to smell the flowers more than just occasionally. *Think. Dream. Laugh. Love. Live. GIVE.*
I love the blog and the photo! I hope I can meet the challenge!