green grass

green grass

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I wanna break every clock..
The hands of time could never move again..
We could stay in this moment..
For the rest of our lives..

I wanna be your last first kiss,
That you'll ever have...
I wanna be your last first love...that you'll ever have
Till your lying here beside me...
I wanna be your last first kiss for all time..
- Inevitable, Anberlin

waiting patiently for you,

waiting, waiting, i hope you're waiting too.

I want to know..who you are..I've been waiting for what seems too long,
I see your shadow, I feel your wind as you pass, I hear your whisper in most every song.

my first love, my first kiss, my everything you'll be,
sometimes it hurts so much, but no one else can see.

but I'm waiting, waiting with a covering smile, patiently for you,
waiting..i hope you're waiting and looking for me too.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

lost and found

if anyone knows me, they know that I tend to think outside of the box. Creativity is one of those things that make me, well, ME. through HS, I was the one to make the boring project fun..make it something that could be seen in 3D. for example, HS pysch class: my styrofoam brain lit up. Anatomy & Physiology: A human muscle was broke down into sections using a cottage cheese bucket and straws. 6th grade Social Studies: My dad helped me make a small catapult from wood..(which was Very good at making M&Ms fly across the room hehe ;]). and now, the last few months I've been on a spray paint kind of kick for my college projects.

But since starting college, the whole creative side of me has been put to the side. The studious, paper based, exam taking Andrea has had to come out. And if you know me, I hate paper based things; I have to have visuals to learn.

Earlier this week I got this book at the library..and I LOVE it. Its all about how to bring out the creative side of yourself. (Granted, it kinda sorta almost maybe promotes graffiti..butttttt, its really good. haha.)

Like Guerrilla Warfare, Guerrilla Art is the "boom, in your face, affect the world" kind of art. Now, I don't plan on going out and doing "illegal" things (like I've EVER done anything like that..psh, no!). But I have made it my new mission to have my creativity come out from suppression. (I sound so Revolutionary! but that IS the whole point..) In my future classroom, I don't want to be the plain, boring, worksheets type of teacher. I want my students to be able to open their minds and think outside the box; for the people who think outside the box are the ones who go the farthest in life, and are the most motivated ones.

My challenge to you? Be a guerilla artist in whatever place you work in, play in, live in. Think outside the box for things. Notice the small things in life and tell someone else about them. Leave a note for a random person telling them to smell the flowers more than just occasionally. *Think. Dream. Laugh. Love. Live. GIVE.*

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Almost Finished

Well, its time again for college classes to start! Its so crazy to think this is my last year of my undergrad degree!! I am SO stoked. 9 more months and I will have a degree...a 4 year degree...the first one in my family. Granted, I will start into the grad program a month after receiving my degree...but it’s still a degree!! Haha ;)

I can honestly say that I think I will really enjoy this quarter. Everyone around me is incredibly stressed out, but it’s not affecting me a lot. I think starting early at my placement helped me adjust to that aspect of my quarter. Trotwood is going well too. I like my CT (cooperating teacher) and she is very nice and helps me get a feel for what a classroom really is.

My other education classes will be a full load, but I don’t have any doubts that I can handle them. Though I have a full schedule, these classes are what I have been waiting for and anticipating. I am so very excited to be an ‘almost teacher’ and from this week’s classes, I know that this quarter will be ‘fun’. Fun in the sense that we will be able to laugh and enjoy class, but also learn and get our solid foundation built.

Keep me in your prayers as I travel to and from Trotwood, Wright State and home. I will be looking for an on campus job as well. I’ll be taking on 20 credit hours once again, with my schedule as following:

MWF—Trotwood HS all day (7:30am-3/3:30pm)

TR—WSU education classes (8am-12:30pm)

MW – WSU for an evening ASL class (4:10-5:50pm)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

over the river and through the woods

fall is finally here!! well, sorta. maybe not technically, but lets just say it is! fall is the official camping time of year, and let me just say how much that excites me :) camping is by far one of my favorite things to do; especially with my family. It's something that I have been doing since I was little, and something that I always want to do with my future family. I am SO looking forward to sitting by the fire, marshmallows (and seeing how big i can get the marshmallow blown up to be) and laughing with the family.

Through the years we've camped in tents and our little pop-up camper, and my grandparents have a big camper trailer. But by far, being in the tent is my favorite. Now that I'm older, I take my own tent and let my parents be in the pop up, that way i can sleep as long as I and have my own area! But it usually gets invaded by my younger cousins by oh, day 2? ;) but I do love them, and especially our Night view the "wildlife" (usually consisting of raccoons, skunks and strange people).

I've tent camped in rain, snow, bad storms, and beautiful days; from ohio to wyoming and have learned that an air mattress is the way to go. That way, you don't get wet when you find out that your tent has a leak! ;)

I've got my things packed and ready to go. I'm ready for a weekend away and by the trees somewhere. :) Quilts and blankets for the cold nights, tye-dye fleece ones are especially warm! pillows for comfort, camo ones are especially comfy! and a tote with my clothes and air mattress. (the tote was originally used for a church camp trip a few years ago!) Totes are also water proof and good for setting a clock, flashlight and pocketknife on top of...since you must always be prepared! Extra bag (which doubles for a shower bag for the trek to the shower house) with books, a movie or two, laptop for viewing, papers to grade (im gettin teacher-fied!) and of course, my trusty camera.

have a great weekend everyone!! :)