green grass

green grass

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A path

ohh what a whirlwind life has become! It seems as if every post i make entails the blur of life. Its only Tuesday...but it seems like it should be it so terrible that I wish it were?

This week and next are both joyful and sorrowful: joyful in the sense that the quarter is wrapping up and I'll be finished until January; Sorrowful because I'll be leaving my freshmen at Trotwood. Some people pat me on the back and say "way to endure.." but I've loved it SO much!! School systems and communities obtain stigmas that are hard to shake, but when you look closer, all I see are children. Children who are in need of an education just as Oakwood, Kettering, and Valley View kids are. Is Trotwood HS the place that I can see myself teaching at? perhaps. I don't know exactly where God wants me at this moment. I do want to get the feel for other environments before I jump in head over heels though.

Coming out of this quarter, I have so much to think about. So many heavy things on my heart. I admit that I get bogged down with my thoughts, and try to fix other people's problems, but I just cant help it. And I'll probably more than likely die trying to save the world. Just a fact of life. So many things to think about as far as my teaching career goes, my life, God's will, and just the directions i want to take. But all in all, the only thing that matters to me is GOD'S will. I have to keep reminding myself that my life isn't my own...that God has everything perfectly planned out : as long as I keep close to him. Now that may sound a little strange, and i don't want to get into a theological discussion, but I wholeheartedly believe that God has things planned out for us as long as we stay on His path. Sometimes we tend to step off the path and do our own thing. This is where things go awry. Sometimes its hard to stay the course, but that is the fight we all must endure. I'm not sure where my path is going, sometimes I'm not even sure where the path may lead from day to day.
All I know is this: God has placed me on my journey, I am His and He is mine, The storms may blow, my tears may fall, He knows what's right for me, He always picks me up when I'm broken, and I will not question His path in my life.

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