green grass

green grass

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I guess this would classify as a rambling post. But then again, I do believe all of mine are ;) It’s such a beautiful day out, and yet I’m inside..not gooood! Everything has been so pretty the past few days..and yet I’ve had so much on my mind. So many things are such a blur anymore, and I just don’t like it. Sometimes I wish life would slow down so I could actually take a deep breath of fresh air. But, life happens and I don’t think I’ll get a breath until next year. I’m letting myself get stressed out, which isn’t good at all. One, stress is just not good (duhh) and two, my body doesn’t handle stress well…headaches, hives, itching, horrible nightmares, yet people wonder why I make myself stay on top of things. If they only knew how it feels when I don’t stay organized and “over achieving”. . .

My student teaching is going very well. I am honestly enjoying it so much. ( I’ve been working on my lesson plan that my partner and I will be teaching soon, a CSI edition..woo!) I’ve grown attached to a lot of these kids, and it makes me long for my own classroom. It excites me SO much to think about my future classes and all the stuff I want to do. Maybe that’s just the young teacher in me, but to be completely honest, I never want to lose that sense of excitement for my class. God is so good to me and giving me the opportunity to teach children, how can I ever lose my joy in it?

I’ve not had time for a lot of photos throughout this journey, but hopefully once November rolls around, I’ll have more time. I’ve already got 9 orders for ABC frames, and two possible Senior shoots coming up, so things are gonna get even more hectic with my photography!! But I enjoy it so much, and I’m so very thankful God gave me a small bit of talent for photography.

Like I said, I’ve had a LOT on my mind lately, and just ask for your prayers. I try not to lose my optimistic view on life (too much of one, according to some), but yet I find myself laying awake at night…(or sitting out under the stars for the past few nights) and thinking about things around me, and Sometimes, it’s hard to hold back those few escaping tears; though I always (attempt to) cover them with a smile. The people I love, and the people around me deserve me at my best all the time, even when it’s hard to keep things inside. ( In case you’re wondering, nothing bad is going on..just a young girl dreaming and thinking about life…)

Annnyyhoooo…enough of my ramblings..gonna go find something else productive to do before heading to the farm for a family dinner. hope all is well with ya’ll!!! happppy gorgeous Saturday!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your ramblings and I will keep you in my prayers, I know how it feels to have a lot on your mind! I am excited for your photography sessions and orders! WOO HOOO!!!! I think you are going to be an awesome teacher-I wish I could sit in on a class.
