green grass

green grass

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

always on the run

It seems that I am constantly going going gone, lately! geez. barely time for sleep. seriously...squeezing in a few hours and off to do it all over again. I think it's close to insanity ;)

what to even say? Life is crazy. But it's so beautiful. My classes and my teaching are taking over my life still, but I do love it. I had to record myself for a seminar class today, and let's just say I am ridiculous with my children. gollllyy. For real, I was talking about ugly dogs and bird poop within 30 seconds of each other. But hey, the kids were laughing and it clicked for them.

Today and tomorrow are Logical Fallacies with my AP kids, and it's SO fast paced. 16 fallacies in two days, just shy of 2 hours. sigh. I'm learning the ins and outs of the political side of much time spent just shoving material down kids throats and then they wonder why they fail tests. Duh, it's called "BREATHING". oye. No soap boxes for me tonight ;)

In reflecting on what happened at the school around Cleveland on Monday, I have re-realized that working at a high school can be such a dangerous place. Trying to think what I would do in a situation like that, it gave me butterflies (the bad kind) to think about it. Watching the news coverage, I was honestly on the verge of tears; that's a teacher's worst nightmare. I hope I can give kids the attention and caring attitude that they need, and maybe, just maybe, enough to avert that kind of situation.

two more weeks of this madness until i take over the classroom full time. TWO WEEKS...AH! that's so frightening!! I'll be teaching The Crucible towards April with my general kids, and really, I've no clue what I'll be doing up until then. awesome. I first need to finish my thematic unit for my ILA class. so far, it's 7 lessons and right around 70 pages. seriously crazy. Plus I have to prep for the career fair next week (in which I scored 3 interviews...Hamilton ohio, Louisville KY, & North Union ohio). It's mostly for practice, but still...I need to get a teacher portfolio made up.

I think this is a rambling post more than anything...Just need to talk no one in particular, so I suppose I'll sign off with the Andrea-Facts of late.

- teenagers are ridiculous.
- my first period is always making up twitter hashtag thingies.. the most recent was a conversation about being tired. one kid said "oh geez.. I'm so tired! Hashtag first period problems." seriously... #firstperiodprobs haha
- students are a bit creepy who crush on their teachers...seriously...dancing in class for me? no. stop. for realness. just stop. this is a problem.
- I WANT SNOW!!!! this weather is RIDICULOUS! i just want my snow :( humph. the only positive was driving home with my windows down... 60s ...crazy...not cool, february, not cool. Interns deserve snow days too, ya know!
My room has exploded. True Life. --papers, books, clothes, random forks...yeah..can we say grad school is a weapon of mass destruction.
- God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. Fact.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Behind these Hazel Eyes

Once again, I am behind on the blogging thing. *sigh*. ah well, maybe it'll get better..ha. I wanted to write more tonight, but I am on the downward side of the past 3 hours of homework, so I think it's going to be sleep time for me soon. So here's something i've been working on lately... it's my version of a spoken word poem. These things are AMAZING. seriously. mine, not so much...buuuuttt yeah. Eventually I would like my students to possible write and perform one, so I made a rough model for them..maybe. I'm not sure if they'll ever see it or not, but hey, what the heck. Anyhoo, I know quality is HORRIBLE...but it's what I have to work with at the moment! dont judge too harshly.. ;)