green grass

green grass

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

...just in passing..

this week just seems to be getting longer! Finally Wednesday...though it feels like it should be Friday!!! definitely hasn't been the best week either...Monday everyone in my house was a little on the grumpy side, so I decided to stay planted in my room most of that evening....and yesterday, I had my first run-in with the Law...(wellllll, actually second...but the first is a long story, quite humorous, ask sometime and I'll tell you ;]) I was trying to come home from school yesterday, and wasnt paying attention to my speed while passing a semi...and low and behold, Mr. Sheriff is there and decides I'm the one....but, all's well, He only gave me a warning (YAY! even though I was shaking so much that I almost couldnt get my license out of my wallet lol) and its now a secret between my mother and I...there's some things that daddy's just dont need to know ;)

I haven't been able to get out with my camera as much as I've been wanting is getting in my way. I really want to get out and about, especially in the Germantown/Farmersville area...but the whole college thing just isnt agreeing...speaking of college...its so hard to believe that after this quarter, I'll technically be a senior!! wow!! even though I'm still in my third year, I've enough hours to be considered a crazy...time is flying by...and hopefully by this time next year, I'll be either student teaching, or have it under my belt...its just amazing how time goes by so fast...

i suppose I've spent enough time dallying around here on the to cleaning and homework and going over some songs for church tonight...since I'm usually the pianist on Wednesday nights :)

have a great rest of the week! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

In the Beginning...

sooo about this blogging thing...never really done a whole lot of it..but hey, always up for something new! :) yeah, maybe no one will read them, maybe no one would really want to, but like so many others, writing does help the stress and daily grunge flow throw my fingers. :)

so where to start...I guess the beginning sounds good! I'm Andrea! also known as Annie..most of the family calls me Annie, and I only started hearing my grandpa call me Andrea when we started going to church together...its a nickname I've had since i was little, and I really like it. :p first and foremost, I am a Christian saved through Faith by the precious blood of Jesus. If you don't know what that means, ask and I'd be glad to share. I don't know where I'd be without God in my life, and I'm so thankful His grace is sufficient through every trial. I am a member or Victory Hill Baptist Church in Miamisburg Ohio. Church has always been a huge role in my life, and though its been somewhat rocky, one must always remember than man will let you down and disappoint, but God never does.

I go to Wright State University in Dayton. I am majoring in English Education and want to teach High School. Usually this is where everyone groans and says "ohh boy, now I have to watch my grammar and words i use"...actually, my grammar is probably just as bad. I make up my own words, speak redneck fluently, and hardly ever know what I really mean to say, so don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. Granted, I'll have to improve when I start teaching, but that's just not me. (One of my goals is to read the entire dictionary in my life, and actually had it figured to where if I read two pages every day, I could finish a pocket dictionary in a year and a half) My best friend once told me my English class would be the redneck class. ;) Though my all time dream job would be to become a Coroner. Yes, i said Coroner; or a coroner Investigator. But, it remains at that, just a dream. I feel that God has called me into the teaching field, and wants me to work with teenagers. Another dream I would love to chase is to become an Art teacher. I can be a very creative person, and love doing that sort of thing, but, looking at job opportunities, English is a better field to go into, and i feel at peace with that option, so I am sticking with it :)

Lets see, what else is there about me. I get told a lot that I'm a tomboy. good, bad, you decide. I'm not into the color pink, at all, and I like to play in the dirt. I always wanted a brother to play around with and have always been considered one of the guys, and can play football pretty well ;) I enjoy shooting, and yes, I can handle a gun well, and know how to use them. But dont get me wrong, I know how to be a lady, and I know the boundaries. I'm an only child, and a complete daddy's girl. He's my hero, bottom line. He is an amazing man, and I strive to be the best I can for him. I love being with him, and its a good day when my mom calls me "steven" only once ;) its only because we act so much alike (hehe)

I love music, and the outdoors...I love walking through the woods, and sitting at the piano, or strumming the guitar, or playin around on my banjo. No, I'm not good at the guitar and banjo, mostly just learning, but I've been playing Piano for around 15 years...hmmm..probably more like 13 or 14..but they all start to blend together ;) I think I have music ADD. at any point in time, there's probably a song going through my head, and every single morning I wake up with a different song in my head..I can be extremely random at times. My dad says I remind him sometimes of those search overload commercials on TV, when the person just starts spouting off random facts, at any point in time, be ready for a "did you know..." or "I wonder..." moment from me.. ;)

I reckon I just want to use this as an outflow of my feelings and thoughts in my everyday life...perhaps not everyysingle day, but yes, I want to have a goal of maybe once a week, or just whenever something happens :)

now that I've written a starts the beginning :)