green grass

green grass

Monday, March 25, 2013

It's been a while

Hello to anyone :) it's been quite a while since I've stopped in here, and I had been thinking about posting, so I figured I should get back into the habit of blogging- even if its solely for my own benefit.
So as I lay here typing on my iPad, it's snowing like crazy here in Ohio- hellooooo spring!!  As much as I love snow (seriously, I LOVE snow!!) I'm ready for warmer weather, for multiple reasons I'll explain in a bit. So here's for a long post...
Since I last signed off, I've graduated from wright state with my Masters in education and boy, am I glad I got through. That was an intense year, buti loved every bit of it!!! I miss my kids from my internship SO much!! The year really solidified my desire and calling to be a teacher. Granted, there were some rough patches, but overall, it was a tremendous experience. Unfortunately, since the job market is still not good here in Ohio, I was unable to get a teaching job for this school year. But in the light of recent events, I know why.
To keep myself even busier than the usual, i enrolled at Sinclair for their sign language interpreting program in august. its a beautiful language and I want to learn it, so I began there and had a blast. But, September rolled around and put a damper on my happiness- I was involved in a serious car accident on the highway. It was a hit and run where someone side swiped me into a semi, which in turn ran me off the road and into a construction sign. I ended up facing north on a southbound exit ramp. God was with me for sure; if I had had a smaller car, I would have been pushed under the semi and probably lost my life. It was terrifying. I literally thought I was going to die; but, God had a plan and I walked away uninjured. Nightmares (worse than my usual) resulted from it, but overall I was very blessed.
December rolled around and the holidays came. I was previously put in charge of the Christmas program at church, so in addition to teaching children's church each week already, I got them involved as well. In the end, I wrote, organized, directed and played a part in the play! The kids did great, my cast did great, and the production was amazing! I was so proud of our little cast and of my little church. It was such a hit!!
After the hubbub of the holidays passed and the new year rolled in, I continued my busy life. January 11 was no different. Since I had no substitute teaching job that day, I went out to run some errands for church and planned on going home to take some food to a funeral and prepare for another funeral the next day. I was in charge of setting up a projector for photos, and I would also be singing with two others. But, once again, God had other plans. Almost home, a man in a work van pulled out in front of me after running a stop sign. My car (remember, it's only 4 months old to me), went from 40 to 0 in about a half second. Another absolutely terrifying incident. The way that the van pulled into me, I basically hit him head on. My engine had been pushed forward approximately 4 feet and had even popped the air filter out of place like a toaster! The steering wheel was bent, but worse of all, my ankle was bent 60 degrees inward, a bone was sticking out of my leg, and my wrist was broken. So after a tumultuous ambulance ride, I ended up in the hospital for 7ish days.  Days 1 & 2 were pure hell for me. my IV had not been done right, so I was without ANY pain meds  the first 24 hours after surgery. after getting that fixed, I found I was allergic to any muscle relaxers they gave me. Hallucinations and awful panic-ridden nightmares would ensue, as well as a constant panic attack.
Surgery 1 had put a plate and screws in my ankle as well as a plate and screws in my wrist. Both bones were broken in both ankle and wrist. I had to wear an external fixator on my ankle with several pins into my leg. 15 staples showed the incision in my arm. I had a second surgery 11 days later that put more screws in my ankle for a total of 23 screws and 3 plates in my ankle.
Needless to say, things have been crazy. I spent a few weeks at my grandparents because I could not walk at all, and my house has steps to get in. I finally got to go home after my dad put in a ramp to the house. I am still non weight bearing on my ankle until late April. I am also going to a wound clinic because the place where the bone came through my leg was not healing well, and the incision area from surgery 2 was also not healing well. But now I am doing better, but I will say that Percocet and tramadol are my friends! ;)
God is still good no matter what!!! I am alive and mostly well, and I am surrounded by the best people!! I am so blessed to be here still, so I guess God isn't through with me yet! I am just ready for winter to be over with so I don't hurt as much! The cold hurts my bones and irritates the metal in me! So geez, weather, fix yourself!

That is the semi short version of catch up of my life...for now ;)
Now to try to sleep. That is one thing I don't do much of because of the meds I am on, plus the nightmares and pain keep me up as well. Blah. Insomnia sucks.

Anyhoo.. Y'all stay safe out there in this crazy snow weather!