green grass

green grass

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

its been a while...

I’m convinced that life has taken me hostage with no ransom.  Its been chaotic for the past few months and the only light I see is in June.  But, it’s a beautiful crazy and I’m loving every moment of the school chaos…usually. 

There’s only been one meltdown thus far.  Granted, it was a horrible one, and I’ve had several other moments where a hug, squeeze, or kiss on the forehead has saved me from another. I don’t think I have ever cried and sobbed so hard.  It’s funny that huge meltdowns can start with something so small, mine started with a bag of potato chips. *sigh*.  Everything pent up inside of me came flooding out and I had a solid meltdown for a good 30 minutes. It really wasn’t pretty. I think I’m better, I’m not convinced yet though.  Everything has been building up, school work, teaching, church things-the new role as church secretary forced upon me and everything else that has happened.  There’s a reason for Wright State’s national ranking in the Integrated Language Arts Master’s of Ed degree. Completing a master’s degree in 10 months – or really, 8 ½ to 9 with the breaks in there – is tough, rough and everything in between.  But, it’s worth it, even if there are a few meltdown breakdowns along the way. 

I love what I do.  I love these kids.  I know each and every 118 of them by first and last name.  I know something about their life. I love teaching them.  I love interacting with them and helping them have light-bulb moments.  It’s amazing. Everything is going so well, and I am so blessed to be working with them.  The 620am leave time is not so amazing, but everything else is.
I ask for prayers for our small church.  We have an interim pastor now, and he’s a really great man.  His wife is amazingly nice as well.  Most of the hard transition probably comes from my end, but there are a lot of things that need worked out still.  As mentioned, the position of church secretary has been placed on me and I’m struggling to keep up with everything.  Though, I created an awesome letter head all by myself and the bulletin looks good each week with the proper grammar, even if no one else notices; ha.
This transition has been immensely hard for me.  Bitterness and sadness seem to have taken over certain aspects of me, and I’m trying to overcome them.  Sometimes it’s the rain that saves me and takes the place of the tears I want to let out, but there is so much positive in my life that I cannot dwell on too much sadness.  Photography is another saving grace in my life, when I get to pick it up.  With the break of WSU work coming, hopefully I’ll be able to pick up a few photography jobs…hopefully. 
Back to the grind of homework and prepping for students tomorrow.  Plus side: I’ll be subbing tomorrow, so yay for being paid!