green grass

green grass

Thursday, July 21, 2011

thursday night ramblings

the first week of grad school is over...4 more to go until fall quarter. Even though I only have two classes during this summer quarter (the second starts next week due to some sort of conflict apparently), I can tell this is going to be one of the hardest years of my school career.

Confession? I'm scared. ..even admitting that is a little hard. I've always said I'm so excited for my future, and I've always said I'm a little scared as well...but in reality, I'm terrified inside. Yeah, I know I can do it - I gotta. And yes, I know I have the support of my family and friends, and I have God...but, this is going to be hard. But I also know that I want this. I want this with every fiber of my being, and I'm going to work myself to the edge of my being so that I can accomplish this year and start my life. I covet any prayers that can go up for me as I start this path in my life, for as a I sit here typing, my mind is going in a thousand different directions as to what may happen in the course of this year.

I'll be completing my student teaching at Fairborn High School, with what I hear is Seniors in American fitting for me! God surely does work in strange ways. I am excited about starting there in late august, but like I said, I'm nervous and a bit scared, but hey: what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, right? haha

Life has slowed down for me lately, after returning from a weeks vacation in remote Canada (which was a blast by the way). Grad school is taking up my time now, and hopefully doing some photo shoots here and there. I hope I can pick up some shoots, it would really help my bank account lol and saving for my future. Plus I really do enjoy photography, and can only hope to become better at it.

Anyhoo, Ive not got a lot to write this evening, so I'll sign off with another list of "What has Andrea Learned Lately":

- fish are really ugly..especially Pike, but they're tasty...and picky...and beautiful in their own way.

- people still amaze me at their stupidity and ignorance...I mean come on, are you reallllyyyy that dumb??

- how can you know how to heal...until you're broken?

- random texts from people seriously make my day...

- beauty can be found in everything...and possibly myself...i think I'm starting to realize that.

-ohio was hotter than texas today and yesterday..geeezz.

- reflecting on myself, and the journey of my life...i've become practically another person...and I'm proud and unashamed of the person I've become.

- I was destined to be an English teacher...after coming home from Kindergarten on the first day extremely upset that I couldnt read...yeah, there's your sign ;)